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micmak | 16:27 Sat 14th May 2011 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Either Boo or ummmm for a while, are they on holiday? I miss boo's 'tell it like it is' upfront approach.


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see the Pinki thread has collapsed. Ttfn - saw your comment on spelling of Falmouth, give a sheep a break please; it is hard for them to type accurately with their little hooves.

See you all later has an hours vol work calls and then a pub supper before getting back here.

Sorry to hear BOO has flounced.
Sqad - aren't you married?
lol, annie. Lol.

I am still available for the right woman (on a pay as u go contract) :-)

It has been known that married men can admire attractive women you know..........but i am a pervert which explains my motives.
that's all right then Sqad ;o)

Admiring and saying lovely things is definitely allowed.
annie - it was Salla last weekend, but she changed her mind as she wasn't that keen on the yellow underwear he had bought her.

He is now turning his attentions to me this weekend, though in the week he was ignoring me.
annie....;-) have a good chance as well ;-)
annie - hope you like a fish and chip supper, silk blouses and a quickie behind the municipal car park, cause thats what you will get........(:o)
every female has a chance, if they're happy to play such games.
Den...LOL...if there was a gap in the conversation, I could always stand behind you and feel your thyroid.
Sqad - now you know I have my thyroid removed, but you could always look at the scar..........

sorry mickmark, for Sqad fliritng on your thread - he just can't help himself (:o(
I am afraid I am a one man woman and I have my man already - but if anything should happen to him, I'll let you know :o)
Den, the fish and chips is fine but as far as the rest is concerned, I like a bit more comfort!!
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Carry on Den. Nothing else is happening tonight.

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