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A couple of years ago....

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micmak | 22:22 Tue 17th May 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I bought the ROOTS dvd series. Never got to watch it at the time. We started watching it over the weekend. I cannot believe the inhumanity to the black people. Still got two episodes to go. Mrs MM had tears in her eyes when Kizzy was sold.


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mm, it is a terrific series
I remember watching that series many years ago. Very sad but compelling viewing, IMO.
I have to admit I've never seen it MM - but I thoroughly recommend the book Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin who conducted his own 'social experiment' in the late fifties in the US. Basically he took medication which turned his skin black and learned what it was like to live as a black man during those times. What he found was truly shocking.
I watched it when serialised on TV, too. And just over the weekend I heard Kwame Kwei Amah (forgive any misspelling!) interviewed over the radio. He said he'd watched it aged about twelve and was very affected by the young lad Kunte Kinte being teased about 'really' being called Toby. Toby of course being his 'slave name', given to him by his 'owners'.
Kwame told his mother there and then that he'd change to an African name once he was older.
He didn't do it lightly, because he was aware that for a child to change almost the first thing given by a mother - a name - is a very emotional thing which might hurt his mother. Thus, the young Ian Roberts became Kwame Kwei Amah. He descrbed this most movingly.
Aww great memories of that series and Chicken George; so well made.
i only remember him having his big toes cut off.....he chose that over his do-da......... i think?
I remember watching it when it first came out, when I were a young 'un. Fantastic series. Also, considering the terrible start that he had in life as a slave, he did well becoming the Chief Engineer on a starship.
Remember Chicken George, but not anyone having to make a choice between their toes and their do-da! Maybe some things mercifully go over one's head at that age.
LOL Arti!
I remember this series, very sad and very true what we black people had to go through.
It was indeed a great series.
Did you also watch the film 'The Color Purple' ?? I can recommend that highly too.

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