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david56 | 14:03 Fri 20th May 2011 | Travel
7 Answers
hi, i,m going to Krakow Poland next month and would like to know 1st,about the weather in June but more importantly i want to visit the Wieliczka salt mines. But having walking difficulties how accessible is it, iv been told there is a lift of sorts but are there loads of steps.


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Wiki says yes, there are 378 steps down to the mine but you get a lift back up - that is a lot of steps. http://en.wikipedia.o...i/Wieliczka_Salt_Mine
so worth the trip though
Here's the weather for June too - looks like average 70 degrees in the daytime.
Sorry to change the subject david56 but have you found Rover yet Boxtops??
No kat - thanks for asking (sorry too David) - I've had several alleged sightings, one earlier today, but it wasn't him. I'm in wait and see mode now.
From the website of Wieliczka Salt Mine:
Q: "Can I go down to the Mine by lift, and not take the stairs like the other tourists?"
A: "You can, but only in justified cases (mainly for people with disabilities, or reduced mobility) and by booking in advance. An additional fee is charged."

Contact details are here:

Website home page here:

Climate guide for Poland:

Click on the 'More' tab, and on 'Average Conditions', here for a month-by-month breakdown of Krakow's weather:

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Thanks for tour help folks

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