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micmak | 17:06 Mon 23rd May 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
The footballer has been names in the house of commons and it is now all over the news.


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it's all the fuss and bother that he has caused that is the nws, not a couple of lovers!
He caused so much furore about secrecy that caused ppl to be curious, he was gonna be named eventually, daft man
I still haven't a clue who it is?

Initials and team he plays for?
Giggity Giggity...
This might get swiped but it seems common knowledge that it is Digs, sorry no idea who he plays for.....
Ok it did get swiped I wonder if my cunning anagram will defeat the filter....

naRy sgiGg
Oh right. Why the hell can't these overpaid pansies keep it in their trousers?
How come this is top of the news? - I really don't care about it at all, it seems to have been blown up out of all proportion.
If he'd been an overpaid pansy it would have been more newsworthy and I am sorry to all the other gay members of AB but it just was too good to resist
I wonder if he will get his money back for the injunction!!!

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