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I wasn't going to drink

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joggerjayne | 18:31 Mon 23rd May 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
today, after getting so ratted yesterday.

But, well ... there was this Sauv Blanc in the fridge.

... and it's nearly the weekend.

And I didn't want it to go off.


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of course not Jayne, I will join you soon with a glass of vin rouge here, a rather good Spanish wine.....
if you're at it again................then you never had enough yesterday.

I was going to cut it out tonight in order to cut calories..... but after finishing the ironing, I thought I deserve just a wee glass of red.
read a wee glass = a bottle. darling, I am typing this because I have all the time in the world for you and respect your intellect and sense of humour, so please take this in the spirit it is given.

It is bloody stupid to drink in the manner that you and there will be a price to pay and that price will need to be paid sooner than you think.Yes you are popular, yes you are one of the lads and yes, if you continue on this alcoholic avenue, you will be a physical and emotional wreck and you life will be shortened much to the sadness of many.

I type this in the hope that you will take heed and in the knowledge that you are much loved on AB.
quite right sqad to warn of the perils of alcohol......the imbiber can escape into a bottle but the 'boring/grumbling' tea-totaller has to live with the consequences.
"... and it's nearly the weekend." is what tickled me.
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Oh, sqaddy, sqaddy, sqaddy ...

I do know you're right. I really do.

It's just that ...

Oh, I don't know, really.

I do look after myself in other ways. I do a lot of exercise, and I drink loads of water.

Okay, okay ... I'll go and make myself a coffee.

Thank you for being concerned.


x x x
JJ...LOL LOL Marry me.

But please.......I DO care.
I care too , JJ, but it has got to this time in the morning. I have had 4 glasses of dry red wine, and 3 glasses of vodka and lemonade. Do I give a ............ No I don't. Some people have a reason to drink too much and I have it. My drinking will cool down in it's own time. Give me a break..........Please notice that I have been typing very carefully, so as not to make mistakes for the lurking pedants!

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I wasn't going to drink

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