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weeds or plants?

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tobyw | 14:16 Mon 23rd May 2011 | Home & Garden
9 Answers
I have a couple of plants I cannot identify. They may well be weeds. Im not sure.
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Thanks emeritus.
I tried the link and attempted to sign up but I dont have a google,facebook or yahoo password.
I'm surpised you need one, but there are plenty of other picture hosting sites out there.

See if is still going. I'd look but my employer blocks it :-(
this one doesn't need passwords
If you scroll down on my Link there are instructions for Tinypic which you dont need to sign up to as Tamborine says
I'm not sure O-G that 'photobucket' is accepted into AB. Personally, I would go for 'Flickr'.....It's an easy site to traverse and a simple matter to put a link into AB; and one which is recommended by the Ed.

tobyw....Weeds are only plants that are in the wrong place within a garden. I have lots of so called weeds in mine (nettles, bird's foot trefoil etc.) but they are in areas within my plot where they cause no distraction to the overall look of the garden. I like having a few nettles, because they attract Peacock Butterflies. Anything, which I am unable to identify, I let it grow and see what it turns-out to be.


tobyw....we've answered your Q now lets see the marujuana :)
Marijuana does sometimes turn-up in gardens from seed which is put out for birds.

Identify such plants from following:-


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Thanks everyone.
Free pot for pensioners

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weeds or plants?

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