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Looks Like It's Titanic For Me Tonight

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chrissa1 | 13:05 Sat 28th May 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Unless you like football that is and I don't.


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2 sinkings in one night chrissa !
One a Ship and the other a Football Team ! :-))
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Ah but which one redman? Team that is.
I think Barcelona's IceBerg will prove to be too big for the opposition !!! :-))
Makes you glad you recorded late night films on the digi when the only choice is football or titanic.
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True, true postdog. Just remembered I taped Gone With The Wind last week.
I never enjoy films like Titanic - you know what happens in the end before the film starts.
I have never seen titanic and I won't be tonight either
Yes thank goodness I have a few good films recorded for standby.
apart from the football tonight we are also in the middle of an extended GP qualifier (due to an accident) but as soon as it finishes we will be straight into the rugby premiership cup final in my house. Not fair really.
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Reminds me of Wilson Dixon`s song Life when he sings "Life is like the film Titanic...long..........and you know how it`s going to end.
Don't tell me the bloody boat's sunk again! How many more times do they have to film it before they get it right?
I like the Egyptian version where it was sunk by a Goldberg.
I've got lots of recordings to watch and there's always catch up tv.
There is also Little Miss Sunshine,and The Deerhunter all is not lost.

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