My son in law to be has been taken into hospital a couple of times with ,as it turned out. gallstones. The last time he was admitted they told him he needs an operation to remove his gall bladder. This was two weeks ago. This past week his has been itching all over and now has jaundice with yellow eyes. The doctor has given him something for it. But what I am worried about is how long can he go on like this.? My daugther is getting married two weeks today. Will he still be yellow then,? The hospital said he needs the operation but will have to wait until after they get married. He is 33. I am worried he will not be well enough for his wedding day.?
JUst read the other post. My son in law has had a scan so is just waitng to go into hospital. But as I said they knew he was getting married in a few weeks and said it best left until after that. But I am not too sure.
think you should suggest he goes to the hospital - when i had gallstones and was waiting for the operation to have the gall bladder removed, i was advised that should I turn yellow or suffer any itching allover etc, then seek medical advice straight away as this is related to the liver.
Gallstones can block the duct between the gall bladder and the liver. Provided he gets the stone removed, he will be fine. I think they can dissolve stones now or do microsurgery. Keep pressure on the doctor!
and gallstones are related to liver functions and their disposal of bile. Get him in there Pronto...........and I dont care that it is a Holiday and having to deal with A&E.
I believe it is serious and if it proves not to be oh, well. If serious, he/you will be so grateful that you insisted.
Assuming that what you say is correct and the hospital has confirmed Gallstones then....
carolgif is correct.
Whatever do you think that it is an A&E problem?.....abuse of the system.
This is not life threatening and as carolgif says, a stone is blocking the bile duct.
It is unlikely that he will a normal coour for his wedding.
Thankyou sqad, As long as he can go on like this for another few weeks that is ok.As soon as the wedding is over he will have to let the hospital know he is available. Whilst he was in last time they did want to operate then or within the week. Then when he told them he was getting married they said they would wait until afterwards.It was just the jaundice that was worring me.But if it isnt an emergency then that is fine. once again thankyou and everyone else who replied.xx
I had the same situation,getting worse - but with an accompanying excruciating pain - as it was the weekend I went to A&E and had my operation the next day.
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Do you know the answer?
Gallstones now turned jaundice..yellow eyes and itching......................................