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Connemmara | 13:01 Tue 31st May 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
have been off the drink for about 5 weeks today. not saying it is forever but will definitely be curbing it. feel better for it


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thats great to hear Conn, well done x
well. thats great news. well done conn keep it up :)
Well done, where I work we had a count up as to how many of our residents have (suspected) drink related dementia, we reckon about 5 of the 31 residents.

That's a lot!!

Good luck mate!!
just done three months without - had the sneaking suspicion I was thinking "It's six oclock, I'll have a glass of wine" rather than "I feel like a glass of wine" - Pavlov's dogs and all that - and, yes, feel great.
RATTER....the other alcohol abusers are DEAD.....they didn't make a Residential Home.
Well done. I did the same abut three months ago, decided to 'review' the situation and have now become an 'occasional/weekend' drinker. It was the every single night drinking I needed to sort out. Keep it up.
Some are very much alive and kicking Sqad....
ummmm....OK then they are playing the "odds"
It's a very unpredictable game Sqad. I see men from my childhood and am astonished they are still alive, and at least, looking well.

I also know men that have died before their time due to drink...
ummmm ..indeed it is....indeed it unpredictable as life itself.
Life is a sexually-transmitted terminal disease.
Conn - nearly 20 years for me on a regular basis. Last 2 drinks I had were toasts at funerals
My grandmother is eighty and still doesn't need glasses... She drinks straight out of the Can !
well done Connemmara....your liver would probably like to thank you too but it is enjoying its holiday

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