yesterday a vein in my foot swelled up it a lump and was tender so i massaged it and it seems to have gone down but the surrounding skin looks like a massive bruise now and is still a bit tender. When it happened it was blue and very sore (almost felt like a burn) and throbbed a bit but now it just looks like ive dropped something on my foot! do i need to see a doctor about this? im on the pill, i was wondering if it could be because of that, but then ive heard of these things spreading and killing you and id rather not die!
I'm no expert but it sounds as though you've popped a vein - it happens to me sometimes in my fingers (I do a lot of heavy work with my hands - lifting bales, fencing etc) stings like b*****y for a few minutes then looks like a haematoma (blood blister under the skin) it's not a problem but don't take my word for it - maybe sqad will come onto this thread or someone with more knowledge than me.
yeah must be the vein cos i didnt hurt it in any way. weird tho, nothing like that has ever happened before. i thought i had to be old to have stuff like that!! im only 32