do you honestly think many would come here if we didn't have the welfare state, where you will likely be given money, housing, school for the children and medical care. I don't see that as being fair, what is wrong with Britain, is that it is seen as a cash cow by many who come here, and no i don't care for the fact of the many Brits who were born here never having worked and getting benefits either. I don't support any right wing party like BNP, or EDL, but do see that successive governments have created this problem, and they will swan off to their ivory towers and leave the people to fight it out. I don't care for the fact the area we live in now looks a slum when it didn't before, due to the massive influx of immigrants. we are not nimbys, nor patently racist, knuckle dragging morons, but just fed up residents wondering where the country we supported all our lives went to.