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Evening all :o)

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Bobbisox | 22:55 Tue 07th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
another good night night on Tyneside, hope you all have had a good one too


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Question Author
oops that was two nights , not one...ha-ha
evening bobbi...all quiet here in my neck of the woods x
Question Author
Hi Stokey I have been out with the girls I worked with, what a tonic, such a laugh
Hiya Bobbs, How are you doing?
Evening Bobbi - what have you been up to then?
Glad you had a good night night, I'm signing off now, night night.
Question Author
Hey Moonie, Tuesday night is set aside for a girlie giggle and we have just had that

Hello BD x
Question Author
awww maidup, Ok, night-night x
sounds fun bobbi glad you had a good night...
Question Author
we did, as always, stokey
"That's what friends are for"

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Evening all :o)

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