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Red Bull, what a load of.......

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Mamyalynne | 21:15 Fri 17th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I had my first experience of the dreaded beverage today, I was in a queue in the supermarket and the lady beside me dropped a can of the said stuff, it hit a shelf unit burst and drenched me head to toe.

The lady was suitably mortified, but in fact was surprised to find my walking stick was not required on the journey home.

A pal ( wait till I get hold of you) - has done me a new avatar in honour of this christening.


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Oh dear - does it stain?!
Never tasted it, never showered in it....
oh mamya , supposed to go down the neck ...not the clothes....better luck next time eh ?
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Does not seem to have but my clothing was dark so that is lucky.'ll be an addict - lol
I worked with someone who insisted on drinking the stuff so that it would help her to work all night without getting tired. It smells disgusting. I had to ask her to put it away in a cupboard so that I couldn`t smell it.
I like a vodka and red bull but it's never given me wings. Love the avatar. :-)
When I was doing my finals I lived entirely on Red Bull and Pro Plus. Three of us did "shift sleeping". Ie one would kip for a couple of hours while the other two worked, then one of the workers would kip and wake the other up and so on. My mate signficantly overdosed on Red Bull, when I read one of her submissions it was clear that she was off her head
Mamya! It could only happen to a good soul like you - had I been her 'victim' she would have needed more than Red Bull and Lucozade put together to revive her.
(Have you finished wringing your clothes out into your glass now?)

Only joking ♥
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Yes all the stickiness has been washed away, in truth I felt more sorry for her. Hi Jan glad you like the avatar, some people (they know who they are) are quite inventive LOL
isn't there something on the can saying "To be taken internally"?
I used to like TVR's (tequila vodka redbulls)

it's a dangerous drink!
I prefer Jägerbombs...............
poor you recently the young guy behind me dropped a large carton of yoghurt and I did not realise it was all down the back of my coat until I got outside the shop and somebody told me ! luckily it sponged off my raincoat and it was not a suede coat I sometimes wear.
I meant in a queue at the local corner shop.
the sugar free one is better....

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Red Bull, what a load of.......

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