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The strangest thing.

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mike11111 | 16:04 Sat 18th Jun 2011 | Technology
9 Answers
This morning I noticed that there was a message on my answering machine. When I played it it said,
"I have a text message from (a number which I did not recognise)", which then proceeded to tell me a joke. I have never come across this phenomenon before. Any explanations?


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If you text a land line it is converted to voice when it comes through. One of your mates having a laugh?
Yes, you can send texts to landline numbers and the text is read out (but it's sometimes difficult to understand and it's unlikely the pace/delivery will be right for a joke).
Someone may have simply sent it to the wrong number.
Was it a good joke? It didn't come from Jemisa did it?
BT's system automatically converts a text which is sent to a landline number into speech (or sometimes, depending upon the content of the text, to a rather vague approximation of speech!).

It's likely that you'll have heard a female voice reading the joke to you (as that's the default setting). However, if the person who sent the text thought that a man's voice would be better, he/she could have typed *M# at the start of the message to achieve that. He/she could have also got the voice to blow kisses to you. Adding xx at the end of the message makes the voice say 'kiss kiss' but typing xxxx makes it say 'loads of kisses'.

my land line does that - reads out texts for me - sometimes it gets words wrong which can be fun!
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Thanks. How the hell does that work? The speech containing the actual text was perfect and sounded like a human voice, although the intro was a different robotic voice. Never knew you could text a landline. Must investigate further.
Lol Factor...

I used to find it funny to send abusive messages to my mates (joking of course) the woman reading it out is crap at swearing....

I've grown up now though...
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I shall post the joke in the Jokes section. Warning, I am merely the messenger!
Got to love those text to speech things..... you can get google translates text to speech thing to beatbox :)

Click beatbox under the right hand side box..
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