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anybody know the rest of the words ot this?

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divegirl | 17:36 Sun 19th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Swallow swallow, little swallow
must you fly away?
why must you leave us, every summer grieve us
wouldn't you like to stay?

Bit random....think it may be a Scots school thing!

Lisa x


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Is that the one from Thumberlina, where the prince says he must go to Egypt.
It's the Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde - one of my altime favourite stories and I still can't read it without breaking my heart!
I only know the swallow .. swallow bit : )
Here you go - I'm tearing up already :)

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Thank you all but this would seem to be a song that I am looking for not a story....Make you right though Karen....very sweet and sad!

Lisa x
Aw man! I've just sat and read it and I'm snivelling and snottering everywhere now! No idea what it is then, sorry x
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....hands Karen a kleenex.....
Ta :) Apparently it's a song called Swallow Swallow - there are references to it being recorded by Jancis Harvey and is on her album A Portrait of Jancis Harvey. A lot of her songs appear to be old folkey type songs so it could be something traditional. I can't find any sites that'll let you hear it though - but there are a couple of mp3 download sites that have it listed.
Karen - if you open that link, the song plays too.
Ah - I had my speakers off Annie ;)
I didn't - they were up loud and it gave me a bit of a fright!!
Oops! :)
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Oh fantastic....thank you Karen....amazing!

Lisa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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anybody know the rest of the words ot this?

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