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hope you have all had a lovely monday...

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mrsmaveric | 18:13 Mon 20th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
my monday has been rather hectic..hows your day been?


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Hectic morning as trying to do some tidying up as a lady from the Job Centre is coming to assess whether hubby is fit to return to work. This afternoon I have been relaxing in front of the tv watching the tennis. Thank goodness for the centre court roof!
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i love tennis jan but i havent been able to watch any today...
Andy Murray is about to play so I'm looking forward to that. Have a sit down mrs m and watch it.
My day off, very relaxing, hardly done a thing all day :-)
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thats what i call a good day you know jan i think i will do just that..
not really just come back from having Tinkerbella put to sleep...
On no Rowan, I'm so sorry. It's always heartbreaking losing a pet.
last one...ever....
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ohhhh thats awful so sorry to hear that...
Well she was a very old puss and we'd taken her in so she had a spoiled rotten old age...
Rowan -- so sorry, you must feel really rotten tonight, thinking of you ♥
aww i'm so sorry Rowan :( *big hugs* xx
I've been a busy busy tired girl today, worked last night and had uni today. Time for relaxing now though :) xx
And me you ...I gather you never got Rover back...
<<sigh>> - no, he's still out there somewhere. We had a report of an old dead tabby, but he wasn't microchipped so it wasn't Rover. We're still in wait and see mode, but it gets more difficult. It's been six weeks now, and I worry that he will be getting ill again. There is nowt we can do - we keep getting calls and going and looking at cats, but they're not Rover.
Rowanwitch and Boxtops; my heart goes out to you. Of course I don`t know your personal circs, but I still miss my last two doggies after 20 years terribly - no family, nothing to love. Will think of you,but then you have the satisfaction of knowing you gave Tinkerbella and Rover a happy, loving home and I`m sure they are up there waiting for you both. As are RexI and RexII for me.
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dont give up hope cat kiara went missing for almost 2 months once and 1 sunday morning she just appeared in the garden without a care in the world..i will keep my fingers crossed for you...

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hope you have all had a lovely monday...

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