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Laptop battery not charging.

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archeraddict | 19:14 Wed 22nd Jun 2011 | Computers
5 Answers
I have a Fujitsu Amilo and the battery has been fine - holding about 90mins charge, which for fujitsu is fine I think!

It has suddenly stopped charging - not gradually lasting less time, just not charging at all when I plug in. I have tried a different power pack and it makes no difference. Any ideas?


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It's Died. They can sometimes just go dead on you and it hurts but you just have to drop it in the bin and get another one!
your battery is unfortunately exited, lots on sale through eBay though...
It has an array of cells in it. One of them probably died. If your battery previously worked for 90 minutes it may be worth getting it seen to. If the casing is easy to crack it shouldn't cost too much.
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Thanks all. I was worried it may be an 'ex battery'. Wildwood, if I get it looked at, what could they do and is it worth the risk/cost?
Check where you plug the wire into the machine as sometimes the connection has a small pin in the centre that can easily be broken off.

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Laptop battery not charging.

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