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what a lovely sunday morning...

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stokemaveric | 08:29 Sun 26th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
i think we will have a drive into wales and take in some of the lovely scenery..stopping off for a pub lunch,of course and mrsmaveric can drive back lol..have a great day everyone..stokie..


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Room for another? Promise not to bring egg sandwiches!

Have a good day Mr and Mrs Mav
Morning Stokey, likewise, have a lovely day x
Question Author
lol maid up..morning bobbi..just setting off now have a good day x
Can I come too? I don't mind sitting on somebody's knees.
Morning Bobbie....good to have you have missed some fun ;-)

You are privileged as i do contribute to the "Good morning" threads.....too matey....but for you.......anything.
^ do NOT.
sqad - Snob!
Morning everyone. Today I shall leave you for a while as I am going out to lunch - I am paying as a treat for my SIL - it's his birthday.
Good morning all from sunny Ibiza, still not too hot yet, but will get later.

Off for a paella and wine with Mr N.

Hope you all have a super Sunday.
sqad :-)
I am usually a big part of the "fun" on here..ha-ha
nothing too bad I hope,
Coffee's ready!! (even if it is in German!)
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wales is a gorgeous country, the gower penisula is particularly scenic, have a lovely time :)

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what a lovely sunday morning...

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