Most Boring Sports in The AnswerBank: Sport
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Most Boring Sports

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Astonvanilla | 21:48 Sat 25th Jun 2011 | Sport
28 Answers
Tennis on presently not very exciting and taking up all coverage on BBC. I do like sports but not when told what to watch! What sports do you find most boring!
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Tennis, Rugby, Cricket could send a glass eye to sleep
I think tennis
Snooker, Tennis and that egg chasing sport known as Rugby. oh.. and Cricket will send a chill down any sane persons spine. I almost nodded of just thinking about it.
Has to be cricket - try explaining to anybody from any non-cricketing nation how you can play a game for 5 days and end up with a draw.
No, I can't explain it to them either.
Today's F1 from Valencia, boring, boring, boring.
tennis & F1
Golf, Formula 1, Rugby Union and American sports - baseball, American football and basketball.

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