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Jemisa | 08:11 Thu 30th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
(Wasn't sure where to put this)

We've just heard of a death in the family, A dear auntie (91) there's been a debate going on whether there should be a burial or a cremation. Auntie never mentioned these things so the family have decided on a cremation.
It made me think that I too would like to be cremated and think we all should let our family know our wishes.

Have you thought about it? or would you prefer not to.?
I've even chosen the music & had it downloaded on to a CD. - I suppose its because I'm a Grandmother & realise there's more years behind me than ever there is in front.



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Awww! Chris...
I want my ashes scattered in the fields where I used to play as a child in Somerset.

> Have you thought about it?

Yes. As an atheist, I'm having a simple humanist funeral.

> I've even chosen the music

Me too. This, and other wishes, are written into my will.
Whatever you want, Jem (and everyone else) I strongly recommend that you ensure that everyone who might be involved with your funeral arrangements knows about them.

My mother repeatedly told me, when I was a young child, that she wanted to be cremated, as she hated the idea of burial. She told me that again quite a few times during my teenage years, and yet again when I was an adult. But she never told my father! When she died, he'd arranged a burial before I was aware of it :(
I bought a double plot when Bill died in 2008, so am going in with my darling. I am happy that they pick any music they think represents me, want little fuss.
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Oh yes Chris! Everyone knows and I've got it all in my wish folder along with my will and CD of the music. Just got to order the sandwiches and sausage rolls and I'll be off. (Have you got a black tie?)

You are being so grown up about this Jem, I can't think about the day that I will not be here! family can chose to cremate/bury me, whatever they think best!.........I will have gone then!........the end will be the same!.....
I normally refuse to attend funerals but, if you go before me, I might make an exception. However, if I do, you can forget about the black tie. I'll be wearing a flashing, rotating fluorescent bow tie with polka dots, as a tribute to all of your jokes!
I don't think the living are any legal obligation to do as directed with the body. You can specify cremation but if they prefer to leave you up a gum tree with the kookaburras they can.

In fact if I happen to be in charge of Chris's funeral I think I'll hire Westminster Abbey and have him lying in state for a week.
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Chris, Thats just fine, roflmao.
Kissy kissy!

'Lying in state'. Jno?

Well it's close to reality, I suppose!
(When I die I'll probably be lying in A state for at least a week before anyone finds me!).

Thanks for the thought, anyway ;-)
I've got the mourners and everything


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