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Getting to Wembley Stadium

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jane1098 | 17:23 Sat 02nd Jul 2011 | Getting there
2 Answers
From Milton Keynes I'm thinking of going to Watford Junction then onto Wembley Central then the 10min walk.

Is this the best route or is there any better?


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Options from Watford Junction were discussed on this thread (where I recommended the route that you've suggested anyway):

Getting off your train from Milton Keynes at Harrow & Wealdstone (if it calls there) doesn't help much, since there is no simple way across to Wembley Stadium.

Stick with your plan!
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Thankyou Buenchico :-) Really didn't want to face the undergrounds. So Watford it will be as the train back from Central goes straight back to MK. Thanks again. Jane

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