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andyjevs | 08:16 Thu 20th Oct 2005 | Food & Drink
13 Answers
Something that's really annoying me is the PC food brigade slagging off fast food places such as McD's and BK for selling unhealthy stuff.
So, they start selling salads and other "healthier" stuff to please the PC lot.

Now please forgive me if i'm wrong but if i go into McD's....i want fat and i want unhealthy !!! I go in there as a treat and my kids might have a McD's once a month if they're lucky. If i want healthy, i'll buy a take away salad from a salad bar.

If others choose to go in McD's on a daily basis, well that's up to them surely and they need shooting if they feed their children on the stuff everyday !

So why all the fuss....should we really have to bow to the PC brigade ?


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No you shouldn't . Just be a grown up and make your own decisions and stop worrying about what other people think.
I think McDonalds is disgusting muck but I would never tell anyone not to eat it!
I agree.  I don't think that McD's et al can ever get a reputation as 'healthy' no matter how many salads etc they add to the menu, so they may as well stop trying really.  Like Laura, i wouldn't be caught dead in a McDonald's but I wouldn't ever try and dictate to others what they should eat there.  At the end of the day their own health and appearance will reflect their choices, that's not really my concern!

did you know that the calories, fat and salt content in the maccy d's salads are more than in a quater pounder with cheese, there was an article in take a break mag regarding the 'healthy' options in fast food restaurants, its really quite shocking!

i myself love a maccy d's occaisonally and wouldnt have any qualms letting my child have it very occaisonally, but if you feed it to your kids every day you are setting them up for major problems in the future.

My sentiments exactly.  Fat food should be a 'dirty' as possible.  It's what gives it its flavour.

PS I hate the saying 'maccy D' !!! What are you?  12?

Hi aj,  Interesting question, I dont think McD's etc..  sell salads because anybody forces them to,  they just do it because they see an opening to sell food to somebody who doesn't like their main line of stuff,  quite clever really because I am sure that the if the PC brigade go in for salads that their kids are sure to want the other stuff that everybody else is eating.

Hey Haggisdj there's no need to be rude to boobesque.

I think McD's started selling salads in response to the film Supersize Me, not simply to appease the PC brigade who do their protests outside every now and again.  It was the first time someone provided irrefutable evidence into how unhealthy their food was.  Previously any attempts at slandering their 'good' name was met with big legal suits.  This time they couldn't, so tried to appease the consumer by a bit of re-branding and bringing out their salads.  The impact of that film was so huge that they had to do something ...

 I like the salads and good value I have brought them and taken them to eat later in day say if staying in hotel and want  a snack instead of a second full meal I think they did introduce them because of bad image but they will never go out of business the burgers will always win over, and can find them everywhere and in europe know what to expect and always the cheapest coffee !!

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Just found this today


By Victoria Ward, PA, in New York
A so-called "cheeseburger bill" that would prevent obese people suing the
fast food industry has been passed by the US House of Representatives.
Fat Americans will no longer be able to blame their weight on eating too much
junk if the law is passed by the Senate.
The measure stems from lawsuits accusing McDonald's of causing obesity in tens
of thousands of children.
Republican supporter Mike Rogers said: "You cannot litigate personal choices
and lifestyles."
Obesity among children in the United States has doubled in the past three
decades, with one in three now overweight.
The National Council of Chain Restaurants welcomed the bill, denouncing
"frivolous" obesity lawsuits.
"Food is only one part of what must be a multi-faceted solution to the
problem, and all foods can be part of a healthy, balanced diet," said spokesman
Scott Vinson.
The council represents brands including McDonald's, Burger King and KFC.
Critics of the bill claim that fast food companies should be held accountable
for their harmful products.
The legislation, named the Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act,
would not prevent lawsuits stemming from contaminated food

I don't regard myself as part of the "PC food brigade" - a nice rare steak with a bit of fat on it will do me nicely, thank you - but I have to hurry past any McDonalds because the stench of the place, which you can detect half a mile away, makes me retch. It's not the unhealthiness of their food that bothers me, it's the appalliing quality and stomach-churning "taste" of the stuff.  I won't be getting a free Big Mac, then.........
thats great news about the bill in America, its really stupid people blaming restaurants for making you fat,

The film supersize me really annoyed me, i didn't see it, but eating anything (of McD's type) day in day out would lead to massive health problems, so why pick on McD?

And why stop supersize meals? i used to be able to eat a supersize 6 chicken nugget meal, and extra supersize chips, for under a fiver and be perfectly full after, The best part was the massive drink. Now you can't do that without spending more than a fiver, grrrr.

I Love Maccy D's I think they put a drug in there burgers, cause they taste sooooooooooooooo nice, mmmmmmm nice big mac and fries with bbq sauce.

PS I am pregnant, so now i think someone is gonna go to maccy d's. lol

Andyjevs. It's not the fat in Macdonalds that is the problem. I eat only butter and cook in lard and my health is OK. The problem with MacDonalds is that the fat they use is hydrogenated, a non-food in fact and a major cause of the current increase in diabetes type 2. Type 'hydrogenated' into Google and you will come up with over 2 million pages, non of them with anything good to say about this 'plastic'.
Type 2 diabetes was unknown before the introduction of hydrogenated oils and fats into the food chain. Now it's in hundreds of items.
By the way, KFC is top of the league when it comes to using these pernicious oils. You get over 4 grammes with a serving.

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