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i brought a dog off my friend who is a blacksmith today...

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stokemaveric | 21:47 Sun 10th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
i took him home and after 20 minutes he had already made a bolt for the gate.


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LOL - but this should be in Jokes.... ;-)
I call my dog Photographer, because he keeps snapping people.
If your friend is a Blacksmith today, what was he yesterday? (sorry...)
Question Author
sorry folks i just thought a quick joke on here might brighten the night up a little..very good yours too jonnyboy...very good...
I like this sort of wit ;-)
It brightened my evening stokie :)
Where did you bring the dog?
what odds on him escaping, stoke?
Ahh the old brought/bought dilemma
Question Author
i brought the dog and then i bought him home markrae...glad the little joke made you smile alba its just a pity some folk are a bit picky on grammar etc etc..the odds of him escaping dt are odds gate is always open lol...
Simple typos .. easy done.
I like typos I do.

In some posts they are more amusing than the question. :)

2-1 on, the pooch will bolt the gate behind him
I agree quassia ;)
-- answer removed --
LOL Stoke - made me smile too.
Made me smile's a good 'un. :o)
Funnier than the ones in the joke section! Seriously, I tried to tell mr. cupid
but he is already snoring his head off.

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i brought a dog off my friend who is a blacksmith today...

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