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Totally piggin' sick of these very heavy rain showers!!

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Bobbisox | 15:12 Mon 11th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
75 Answers
we are supposed to have sun in July!!!!
washing is hanging limp out there


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That's where they roll cheese down hillsides, isn't it? I've been there...
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it will be a tad soggy today boxy :-)
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must all over here in the East Steve, btw, hope mrs Steve is recovering from her wisdom tooth extraction and that you spoilt her rotten :o)
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yes, I like that,
glad she's ok Stevie x
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typical!! tea time and we have a brilliant blue sky , the garden is bathed in beautiful sunshine, why is our days arse forward up here ??? :o(
come on - you wouldn't live anywhere else would you?
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I guess not carmalee, once a Geordie always a Geordie :-)
Bobbi if it's any consolation... it's still raining up here
Sticky and hot here in Vienna. Ten minutes of rain at lunchtime only made it worse, but then the sun came out again. Poor dog suffers most, he only gets a quick trip round the block on the grass verge - the pavement's too hot.
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nice hot day here. Unfortunately I have had to spend it sitting indoors by the phone. grrr.
Just got back in the car at lunch time after shopping and it poured with rain, but when we got home abot 30 mins later there was not rain at all, its really warm here. Washing dry and a great pile of ironing to do.
i´m praying for rain, as it usually disappears in mid june, and returns in mid sep, here in madrid. last week or so, i´ve needed to take 3 showers a day, always feeling sweaty.

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Totally piggin' sick of these very heavy rain showers!!

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