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Had To Give In

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DEN53 | 21:04 Wed 13th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Well I checked the calendar and it is definately Summer - have put lightweight quilts on beds - garden furniture is firmly in place on decking - flowers are blooming in garden - am wearing white crop leggins (sorry Sqad) with flimsy kaftan top and flip flops........................................
have just put the heating on, cause we are bloody freezing.............(:O((


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No not au pair, lol, however the au pair does spend most of the night banging on my bedroom door, I usually let her out though.
you want to move up to sunny droylsden just shut the back door still nice and warm
Heating on!!! blinkin' eck, you need to move here on the Lanacshire west coast, it's been hot here for days.
I've been too hot! My "Hardy Scottish" Oh on the other hand has been walking round shutting the windows!!!!
Been really warm here in Forest of Dean, not long since closed windows, just as well as we have had no heating for 2 weeks now, boiler broke, new one being fitted tomorrow hopefully.
still got the windows open here in South Wales, really warm still, but a bit fresher! more comfy for sleeping tonight!......

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