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Good morning

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Dee Sa | 05:30 Thu 14th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Where is everyone ? looks like its going to be a nice day.


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morning, sensible ones are still asleep
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ahhh- will move over to your thread Dee sa - sorry didn't see yu were up and about already - good morning!
Good morning all, I trust we are all well and ready for the day ahead.
Time for a laugh?
its a very funny video, someone posted it yesterday
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Good morning all. =)
Em that was me. I thought I would pass it on to the day shift.
morning all
Loved it - thanks MR ;-)
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Have you lost an 'i' Ali?
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Good morning all
I take it we are using this thread
How lovely it is today
Seems a shame to go to work but,as I don't have that winning ticket I better get on with it :(
hi all...anyone got any paracetamol I've run out...
Its far too sunny this morning... had a mad half hour this morning and rearranged the office and had a blitz clean that feels so much better
Morning all. Lovely sunny day - if I can work up some enthusiasm I might do some weeding. before it gets too hot. Poor Ali - can't even write Al.. Never mind might come back if you keep trying. Shows how much we need letters. At the moment someone's alarm is going off - right on the edge of my hearing. So annoying. And no use at all.
How odd - I thought ali baba was authentic. Posts seemed o.k. Or was there something objectionable I was missing?
probably someone else popping back.....

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Good morning

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