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Changing house locks

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BuckTarbrush | 13:22 Fri 16th May 2008 | Law
5 Answers
If a married couple split up / divorce and the mother and children stay in the marital home can she legally change the door locks to prevent the ex from entering the house as and when he pleases?? Thanks in advance for any answers.


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If his name is on the deeds of the house then no, she cannot legally change the locks. It is his home too and is within his rights to come and go as he pleases until such time that his name is not on the deeds.
To keep him out legally she would have to get a Court order to exclude him, if he is a joint owner.
Although both earlier answers are correct if she does change the locks its a very long winded process for him to get access again and all she will eventually have to do is give him a set of the new keys. If she feels at all threatened or frightened of him I doubt any court will force her to hand over a set of keys provided that some sort of arrangement can be made for him to have access to remove any of his belongings. I would change the locks and let him sort out how he gets access. review/Question192748.html

I would have thought that as joint owners if either one is denied access then it is not illegal for them to break into the house.
I know someone who's OH changed the locks,she broke a small utility room window to get in and the police when called said that as she was joint owner they did not have to get involved,they just checked to make sure she was the owner and left it at that
ok, i got a question for you now.
if a married couple fell out, and she changes the locks, and he is not on the deeds then can he get back into the house till they sort problems out?

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Changing house locks

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