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in out local Newspaper tonight, a family stupidly wrote on FB they were packing their cases to go holiday

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Bobbisox | 17:30 Fri 22nd Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
Yes, you've guessed it, they have been wiped out?
How stupid can people really be!


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Bobbi don't worry, it went pretty quickly, I clicked on the posted link but it didn't show anything but I think that has to do with who you have blocked and stuff perhaps.
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suezy it would be no one on my list thats for sure, someone must have got into my account, anyway it's gone now thankfully
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it's not the first time my account has been infiltrated HW and I can rest assured it wasn't anyone on my list, it must be someone who knows how to do this?
How could someone get into your account though?
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Suez if I knew that I would be out there making a fortune :0)
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I hope you never do hw, I obviously have enemies big time on here ;-(
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very possibly hw, I am pleased it disappeared though, makes you wonder how far people will stoop to score points
What sad lives some must lead, to point score on have to question their sanity really, I suppose....
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ouch whats that sticking in my back..LOL
I am off to watch Emmerdale folks but Asta la Vista, I'll be back :-)
Bobbi, i don't think your account was hacked, what I meant was that the link that was posted by someone today was more than likely what someone would see if they looked you or anyone else up to add them as a friend. I wouldn't worry Bobbi as I couldn't see anything on the link.
Bobbi,As you know I live in Wallsend and the whole thing looks a bit fishy to me. With the cost of the valuables mentioned you could buy Wallsend!!
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everhelpful, seems there was photos taken of the goods stolen, does seem very odd though
I've taken photos of some of the stuff which is precious to me (even if not worth much), and any jewellery I've ever had valued had a photo with the valuation. Very useful if you do need to claim.

People are much too thoughless and trusting sometimes - I never tell anyone apart from family and a couple of trusted neighbours that we are going on holiday or going to be away from home - I wouldn't dream of telling anyone on FB, it's like putting an advert in the paper.
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in out local Newspaper tonight, a family stupidly wrote on FB they were packing their cases to go holiday

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