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Good Morning

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ttfn | 06:08 Sat 23rd Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Did everyone have a late night last night? Hope your weekend is the one you deserve :)


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Morning ttfn & everyone else!
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You sound wide awake Quassia, enjoy your weekend.
I'm at my best in the morning ... coffee helps of course!
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I am in absolute agreement with you there, Quassia.
morning, Ena - the sun is just peeking through, after what looks like a wet night here. Normal Saturday in view for me (shopping etc) and trying to recover from a heavy week moving offices.... not helped by next door's teenagers having an impromtu school-leaving party - the club scene is fine in its proper place, but not in my living-room!
good morning everyone.... I'm exhausted already got up early all the chores are done third lot of washing in the machine... taking five mins with a bacon buttie. sun is shining in birmingham but it was really misty this am looked rather pretty though. Sad creature that i m off later to take pressies for friends new cat....
Aw rowan, get piccies! In our ongoing search for Rover, I viewed a gorgeous female tabby in the week - I would love to have taken her home, but the resident feline army would have had something to say about it - and besides, we are still not giving up on Rover yet.
will do she's a 3 year old rescue cat apricot and blue long hair Teri has called her Coco as the overall effect of her colours is like milky hot chocolate

I wish I could have pets in my place
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Morning boxy and rowan. Hard to remember how noisy we were as teenagers. Hope it did all fit in to your new office, boxy, no doubt there is still some sorting to be done. Rowan - I feel tired reading your post. Enjoy the more pleasurable elements today.
Busy day ahead but tomorrow might involve balcony, book, wine, and possibly chocolate
Ena - the words quart and pint pot come to mind.... it's all in, but I am now second-sorting stuff so I can shoehorn in what's left!
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Hope the sun is out for the balcony tomorrow, rowan. Boxy - not quite the same as turfing out at home, is it? One can hardly list the excess on eBay ;)
LOL - thankfully, on a larger scale, some of the unwanted desks etc from our old place are going to charity - cheaper to give them away than to try to sell them off, and there were plenty left over.
Morning, chillin at my mums, just had brekkie with her home made marmalade, yum and she's making me a food parcel :-)
good morning everyone. bright and sunny down here at the end of the country.

hope you all have a really enjoyable weekend.xx
Morning ttfn and everyone else awake. I have only just got up, very reluctantly and thinking, oh well no use lying here better get up and give it a go. The sun is shining so that makes it a bit better.
no way ttfn i made my costume and gonna let my hair dry naturally today then back comb it
Morning Everyone :)
Hope you are all well x
Was supposed to be going to a house party for my friends birthday but i have a blooming cold so taking it easy.
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fluff - sending the food parcel home by freight charge? Enjoy your visit. lj, nice to see you on the morning thread, fear not Mamya will be home soon and you may enjoy a more civilised time of posting! Star, you will feel better now you have been up a while, blame it on the extra candle this week ;) Good for you 4get, hope you have a great time. Suezy, rotten luck and wish you better, soonest xxx
I iz back.

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