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My Odd Breakfast

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mrs_overall | 10:03 Sun 24th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I've just finished off last nights tea - cottage pie. Anyone else have odd things to eat for brekkie?


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sandy...LOL....LOL.........try..."my darling"
You are being evil, plain evil, i'm delicate
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nice one sandy!
The kids eat chapatis and jam all the time - and chapatis with honey or peanut butter - all sometimes all three - there is nothing odd about that is there? We use them like wraps - generally healthier I think.
Chappatis and dahl, now that's a brekkie i could handle, if only i could get vertical
I've always liked left over pizza, curry or chinese food for breakfast. I think I'm having a bacon roll this morning.
we regularly have leftovers for breakfast...... usually normal breakfast of omelette, fruit, bread, cheese, with whatever we had the night before if theres any left... shepherds pie, curry, rice, chicken, and other stuff that i forget what the name is and cant spell them anyway
Morning Mrs O, I have been known to eat last nights Chinese or Pizza :-)
i love a fried egg sarnie on a chapati annie.... in fact im gonna go get one right starving
I just had what was left of last night's lasagne, mrs_overall! :)
Sqad - no tea offered then? tea........not even T.I.T ;-)
sqad - at least you have a good cooked breakfast - LOL
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Tony....yeah!......I suppose that is some consolation.
I just had bread and butter pud.

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