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york racing tips.....

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stokemaveric | 07:35 Sat 23rd Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
multi blessing..14.00 [e/w]
tip top gorgeous..16.10
bollin judith..16.45
karaka jack..17.20


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Morning Stokey. I was just about to post a reminder but I see you've beaten me to it. Many thanks.
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morning up with the lark today lol..hope you have a good day..
Morning Dave - I hope askyourgran is on to a few of these :)
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morning ttfn x yes i do believe there are a few fellow abers going to york today i just hope a couple of these selections will put a few ££££££s in their pockets lol...
going for Hoof it in the 3 40 - stokie
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i did ponder hoof it beejay lol...
Right, time to put the new whistle on and get down the pub for breakfast. Already seen 2 couples walking down there!
Nice one Beejay..Paid my water bill with that tip..
Boing Boing!
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nice 1 beejay...good win mate...
Thank you stoke for the tips. Unfortunately I missed logging on yesterday with getting ready for the races and the gardener came to do the garden we left home about 9.15. I didn't actually win much. Backed Kool Henry e/w which he ran second, my second choice Love over gold didn't. I did choose bollin Judith and karaka jack earlier, and could have kicked myself for not having a bet in the 17.20 when it won. Had a good day out though, it was heaving never seen so many young lasses there with next to nothing on. Some of them had come for the evening concert "Scouting for Girls" was playing there,

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york racing tips.....

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