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wouldn't you know it!

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scotman | 23:45 Sun 31st Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
2 Answers

I pose a silly tongue-in-cheek question in sport and get lots of replies but a sensible question in music is untouched. I'm off to bed.


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Well maybe we cannot find out any more than you can, unfold those lovely arms and get some sleep ♥
That's because
(a) your use of the word 'totty' is bound to attract attention from certain people around here (how the hell did I miss that one!) ; and
(b) even Frankie Miller's official website doesn't provide the information which you're seeking (yes, I did try to find an answer to your question yesterday!). However the fact that it mentions the possibility of a new album suggests that FM must be playing again:

Goodnight, Scotman!

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wouldn't you know it!

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