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its going to be one of those days !

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Dee Sa | 08:22 Mon 01st Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
got up nice and early 6am went to put out the rubbish and couldnt open the front door ! bro-in-law varnished the door yesterday & the lock was stuck ! told Mr S when I heard him use the loo and he woke up his brother who eventually managed to get it unstuck ! if I had been on my own would I have had to call the fire brigade [ I am an OAP] or a locksmith ?


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well it is monday dee sa
My sister in law went to put the bin out once and the door slammed shut behind her. She did call the fire brigade to help her get back in but then she had a baby and todler in the house. I suppose if you were inside the house and not in an urgent need to get out then a locksmith would have been ok.

I think the brother in law owes you a nice cuppa.
NO, Do not call the fire brigade if you ever get locked out. They do far too much damage & then charge you for the priviledge.
Call a Locksmith.

Sorry Dee-sa in your case I think I would have phoned the police to see what they sudgested.

At least she wasnt naked, milly

I know one guy who was in a training centre and had a few drinks too many.

The bedrooms were very spartan and even a monk would have found the bed narrow.

In my room, about 4.30M, I rolled over in bed and found myself on the floor. It was roughly the same time when this Dutch guy woke up in his bedroom and headed for the bathroom, which was adjacent to the main door.

Unfortunately for him, he took the wrong one. The door slammed shut behind him and there he was in the corridor. And naked too, as he wasnt wearing any pyjamas.

He looked around for cover, curtains, wastepaper bin, flowerpot.....No such joy, this was the training centre and no frills. He was facing a nigh-on 200 yard walk stark-bollock naked over to the reception as we were housed in an extension.

Then it dawned on him. His next door neighbour was a Korean, of course named Park, and it was his first trip out of Asia.

Imagine his shock when, bang bang bang on the door at 4.45am and he opens the door to find this incredibly hirstute Dutchman standing naked in the corridor.

The course was off to a flyer when this came out over breakfast as it was only the second night.....
dont call the FB unless an emergency, ie a car with children locked inside (neither life nor property were at risk). Id have called BIL back or used another exit until then.
Hope your day improves
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thanks for all the answers I agree with Jemisa that the FB would have been disastrous , luckily alls well that ends well. I am now going to B &Q for paint so said bro-in-law can start painting lets hope that goes well too.We have visitors coming from abroad for 3 weeks stay next Monday so were tarting the house up a bit.
Have a good day.

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its going to be one of those days !

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