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What's wrong with people?

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NoMercy | 11:59 Tue 02nd Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Travelling back from Hampshire yesterday, our train collided with a shopping trolley that had been pushed onto the track. Fortunately no one was hurt or shaken and we only sustained a delay of 14 minutes or so. However, it could have been so much worse. What goes through the mind of someone who sets up something like that?


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What's right with them ?
don;t try to understand, fecking weirdos, we had two guys put concrete slabs on to the train tracks here - luckily no injuries but again WHY???

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I can only describe them as sick and twisted.
It's a baffler...
They're probably the same kids that think it's funny to stand on motorway bridges and drop rocks down on to cars passing underneath.
Glad to hear that no one was injured and that the train wasn't delayed too badly. usually it could be usually good kids who do not know/understand the extent of their actions. it could be feral kids that are left to their own devices but uncaring unloving, drunk/substance abusing parents. it could be bored teenagers or more worryingly adults, both of which if caught should be tried, convicted and punished to teach them a lesson and as an example to others that think it's okay to potentially seriously injure, maim or possibly kill.
As we used to say in the Navy, "Idle hands make for the Devil's Workshop."

And for some reason today’s youth and angry young men and women, don't seem to have a job, but still have plenty of time, as well as money to make mischief.

When I was growing up, you had to spend a great deal of time 'finding' something to eat, even if you had money. Thankfully, where I lived there was a huge woodland and swamp with lots of game. Also, we kept cattle, pigs and dairy cows.

It is now coming down to the current generation discovering the exact meaning of ‘hard times’. And I really fear for us all.

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It sure is, Ummmm.

Fluffy, that's horrendous. They could have killed someone with concrete slabs!

Indeed, Milly. Sick.
They fail to think things through properly.
They are expecting to have a 'right good laugh' at whatever happens when the train hits the trolley........
i.e. trolley flies up into the air/trees/over the hedge, etc.

They don't expect that the train may sustain damage to stop it running or worse.......and they really don't care that the subsequent delay can cause a back-up of departures/arrivals whilst everything is checked out.
according to one of the reporters the police told them that an excuse offered by one of the lads 'we were drunk and bored'
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I wonder how they would have felt had they killed anyone, JTH?

Typical, Fluffy. What absolute mindless morons.
I remember travelling from Bradord to York when the train stopped as someone had jumped onto the line and been killed.
After a while some passengers started complaining about the delay.........
i think every one has done stupid things at some point in their lives, it is just that some can be classed as more stupid than others cause the consequences (which are usually not thought about at the time) can affect more than just themselves
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That doesn't surprise me, Craft. lol
nothing goes through their minds, they are empty

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What's wrong with people?

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