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chas2008 | 10:30 Mon 08th Aug 2011 | Law
2 Answers
my mother in law wants to arrange a will , she knows exactly how she wants it who to leave what to etc. The problem we have is when faced with a solicitor she gets all nervous and struggles to remember how she wants it to read so shes insisting her daughter goes with her unfortunately as the daughter is a beneficiary of the will it becomes a bit akward and i would asume the solicitor wouldnt allow it.
One of the options is for her to take notes with her, is this ok? or would that look like she was being coerced ??


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It's a good idea to take notes with youin such cases.
She could write it out herselfen the solicitor just needs to put it all in the legal wording. She'll need full names of beneficiaries and to be explicit about her wishes. I'm sure you can find a nice solicitor, they only want to help.

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