I'm looking for my tax reference number on my P60 and i've been told to look for a number maximum 10 characters. There is only one number on my P60 that looks like it could be it but it's only 3 characters and is the PAYE reference. Is it the same? Just seems awful short but it does say up to 10 characters.
Hi,I think it's the Employer's Paye Reference on top right corner of a P60. My last one has 3 numbers then a slash then 2 letters and another 5 numbers. Hope that helps you.
It should be in the top right-hand corner. For example, its 068/JY6732 here:
(The oblique stroke can be omitted. '068JY6732' has the same meaning)
Your P60 only quotes your Employers Tax Reference number. Your personal tax reference number will only appear on a Self Assessment notice, although sometimes HMRC use the National Insurance number instead.