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One of those days that you feel down......

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jd_1984 | 11:32 Sun 07th Aug 2011 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
For some rerason today, I am overwhelmed with concern and apprehension about things.
I have been tired lately and for some reason, out of the blue, I am worrying about work, relationships and generally where I am heading in life?
I had similar concerns earlier in the year, then I had a really happy spell, work was productive, relationships with family and friends was good.
In many ways I am fortunate, but this negativity and concern has entered by thoughts once again.
I wish I could be one of those people who seemingly are un-phased by lifes hurdles, but I am an "over thinker" bit of a curse I think!!

I am not expecting the answers, just venting and perhaps hoping for some encouraging words of wisdom!!!!!


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I think you have a case of sunday morning introspection - if you are leading a busy working week and a hectic weekend (possibly a few drinks in the pub) then sunday morning is the classic time to feel worried, probably because its the only time you've given yourself to have a think / panic.

Get out the house for a good walk in the sunshine and make time to do some relaxing exercise during the week as well.

Hope you feel better soon
I seem to feel like that permanently at the moment JD.

A few things have changed in my life recently and frankly have left me miserable and wondering where the hell my life is going.

I have the same problem as you and over think things to the point where I could drive myself bonkers over things that haven't happened yet.

I just try to remember times where I did feel good and know that even though it might not feel like it at the moment, in time things will pick up and I'll be happy with my lot and not worry about the ifs, whys and whens.
It happens sometimes, jd - when it does, I just count my very small blessings - e.g. I may be down but I still have my health, the flowers are blooming, etc....
I have learned to try to live the maxim of only worrying about the things that I have control over - there is no point in fretting about things I can't influence.
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Cheers guys, good advice!!
JD, this may sound as if I don't care about things, but I have learnt that if it doesn't affect me or mine, then I don't worry about it. And why worry about things you cannot change. Life is too short....
Hey. Dont worry hun. i dont know how old you are or your circumstances but you sound a lot like me. I worry and think all the time! or atleast i did when i was in a relationship. Recently broke it off 2 weeks ago and it is pretty raw, but honestly, just dont worry. I always go by the saying what is meant to be will be. Live your life. Im planning on going travelling and working abroad now i have my freedom, so no worries for me. Just do something for yourself honey, life's not worth worrying about, just enjoy it. love xx
I know for sure for myself and close family, that not only do circumstances play a part in how we feel but chemical imbalance in the body certainly works for or against how you deal with it. So for me I would say if things get on top of me at times, dependent upon how my health/chemical balance is (talking about things that go towards giving you a healthy body, sleep deprivation etc etc) it really makes a different as to how I can handle a situation or the mood I'm in. Have made note many times of this and I often wonder if it could be the same for others even without them knowing they have a chemical inbalance with their health. Hope I've explained that properly for people to understand.

I hope you feel much better soon and that the anxiety and worries pass jd, but do have a look at how you are feeling compared to what could be going on healthwise, if there is a problem. Best of luck.
All I can say, but I hope it helps, is... you're not alone. Many people myself included have periods of happiness followed by periods of self doubt and anxiety. It's almost as if you're punishing yourself for having been happy. It's not unlike someone who's won the lottery thinking ... I've all this money and all that it can bring me, but something negative is going to happen that will pay me back for for this. Lucky are the people who can be happy all of the time. Sometimes you have to be down in the dumps to appreciate the good things in life. But I do know exactly what you say about being an over thinker. Honestly, you are not alone, there are a lot of us out there. Keep the faith :-)

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One of those days that you feel down......

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