I wanted to buy a private plate that came out this year, March 11, and I know I can't put it on my 2008 car but when will it be legal to do so, am I right in thinking it will be 3 years before I can use it ?
all plates belong to a year and therefore the above rules apply.
if the numbers and letters have been distorted into a 'vanity plate' by their positioning or creative use of screw heads etc the plate is illegal anyway!
It's nice to see someone apologise when they have got their wires crossed, good on you Tony.
Hope jrtv got the message that his car will never be young enough to wear an "11" plate unless he gets a car that was registered after the "11" plates came in to force.
as said if its a dated numberr plate ie 11 /60 /61 etc.. it can only be used from that date forward...
i bought an 'R' plate back in 1997/1998 and have used it on every vehicle i have owned since....