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Where is everyone?

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moonraker558 | 11:19 Thu 01st Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Only 2 posts since mine at 4 this morning, what's going on?


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Up your pipe........hippy!!
Now, now, Girls.

Meow, Meow.....

Moonraker, may be it is your agricultural deodorant that is keeping us all away
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I had to do some cleaning moonie. I am not very good at cleaning so I grumble all the time I am doing it. Finished now though so back on track. Nearly time to eat (my favourite time of day).
classic cottages helston
AB is very, very slow today, and I have to keep refreshing and waiting or loong off and on. A number of regulars have probably given up just as I'm about to do for a while
Strange - it was a bit slow last night but is really quick today.
My new gardener has just started work..................he has dreadlocks.
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Shush triggs..............he's just shaping my bush.
Afternoon. Is it slow for you factor? Are you with Virgin?
In his dreams....
Music Thread?
you have some odd taste in Music ED:-)
I am safer outside of CB, just posting
Depends when the last time you listened to any new music Bobbi.
I am up for listening to all music ED, from pop, rock and especially classical;

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