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The chap who won the million on Black or Red was sentenced to 5 years for assaulting...

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sandyRoe | 14:58 Mon 05th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
... his ex's new boyfriend. Was he a suitable candidate for that show?


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I agree Andy...
chelle :-)
but doesn't seem he could keep the money for hitting a man, as he told the shows producers on the onset and he served time, but not for hitting a woman?
Both are crimes against a person imo
I don't know about the contestants, but if the person who invented this tosh (Simon Cowell I believe) didn't have a criminal record beforehand then he ought to now ...
There'll be some fudge where he gets to keep half the money for telling a half truth, and the producers will take half back to distribute to charities such as women's refuges, Help The Heroes and Great Ormond St., so they get the kudos for being generous. The game's all about 50:50, after all ...

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The chap who won the million on Black or Red was sentenced to 5 years for assaulting...

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