There once was a man from Niagara,
Accidentally took ten Viagra.
His p e c k e r's as large
As a waterfront barge,
And his girlfriend says "this thing will gag ya"
never used it myself but i know a couple of people who have taken it.... one couple nearby...well lets just say the entire street heard them... they loved it and took it regularly... they didnt need it they just took it
the other person just took it for the hell of it as well... he said when he orgasmed he thought he was going to die.... he said his heart seemed to stop forever and he couldnt breathe... the woman he was with almost freaked out.....then he started breathing again... that sounds like nothing but when you see him tell the tale hes really freaked by it
A French colleague had the following conversation with me,
"Zut alors, Michel, 'ave you tried zose leetle purple pills?"
"No Pierre, I can't say as I have. Are they any good?"
"Mais oui, Michel, zey are fontastique! I taked ze one and I am, 'ow you say, 'standing?' for forty-seven minutes! - But zen zey are tres exponsive and I sink to myself, is it worth ze money for ze extra three minutes?"
For those who take it, i'm sure it is. There are many men who suffer from ED and take viagra, other products are available, and swear by them. If it works for 'you' then of course it is a good idea. I would have no hesitation going to see my GP if I needed assistance with 'the problem'. What is the big deal??
I do not advertise for anybody but "viagra" is sildenafil citrate originally developed by Pfizer as a heart medicine (which is why it is not advised to anybody taking nitrates). It is now available under a lot of different names and a lot of different prices. All I suggest is shop around. The alternative which I use (begins with a K) works just fine.