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How can this be right

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maclarencat | 14:59 Sun 11th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
SO LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT ... If you cross the North Korean border illegally, you get 12 yrs. hard labour. If you cross the Afghanistan border illegally, you get shot. Two Americans just got eight years for crossing the Iranian border. If you cross the UK border illegally you get a job, a drivers license, food stamps 4 tesco, a place to live, health care, housing & child benefits, education ...No wonder we are a country in debt.


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laughing stock of the West maclarencat
still can't see how seeking Asylum means crossing various borders to get to here, I thought it was the first country of safety from where you were being persecuted?
Ha ha maclarencat - well said !
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I agree
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Maybe its time we took stock of our policies.
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that's never going to happen....if only
you know that's boIIoks right? How can tis be right? It isn't.

It was rubbish when it was printed in the US, in Australia, Ireland and rubbish on this site. Adding '4 Tesco' to try hide the fact that it was made up in the US doesn't make it real.
Here's some US debunking:

Here's the Oz one
So there you go....***
We are always being told we must be sympathetic to their needs.

Understand their ethnicity.

We make special laws so as to protect them.

We have to be particular careful not to offend them.

We allow therm to set up their own communities along with services and leaders to serve their special needs.

We provide interpreters and set up public signs in a variety of languages.

Print information leaflets in multiple languages.

Allow them to set up their own associations, Lawyers, Police etc, etc.

All this and what about the indigenous peoples of these Islands, what's in it for us?

We have seen our own country along with it's ancient culture, and in some cities it's very skyline, change out of all recognition, and we must learn to take all this on without a word of protest.

Their native countries have managed to get rid of us, and they annually rejoice their independence days.

When will our own independence day come along?
... and then compain about your lot and make out we are all racists ...
That's about right, yes.
We wouldn't be snowed down in ports with Customs checking trucks for all the people trying to get in if they thought they would be shot or get hard labour for 10 years.
does not change the fact that we give loads to these people entering UK whilst at the same time we have poor people of our own.......old people struggling with heating costs........families without work.......children in need........we are the laughing stock of the entire world. I give what I can but only to charities that are of benefit for British people in Britain.

A cliche I know but charity does begin at home.
No ..
Charity begins in our tax deductions ..
and ends up overseas somewhere : )
albags.....sorry to say you are right
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Can I just say I am not racist. I have many friends from different countries who would be appalled that anyone thought I was. I am not sure which bit Whickerman thinks isnt correct. If you come into this country illegally you are given accomodation If you hold a licence from another country you can apply for one here You definately get child benefits if you have children and they are educated You do get coupons or money for food so what does that leave Oh yes a job but then maybe they dont need one with all these benefits. I know there are some terrible countries in this world and I am not saying political asylum should not be given to people who are in peril but there is a large number of people who enter this country under false pretences and should not be allowed to stay and yes I hope our country never gets into the state that I have to leave to live a good life but if we allow anyone who wants to come here to stay that will happen. We do not have the money to support all these people.
There's a huge difference between asylum seekers and economic migrants - the latter don't seek asylum at the first place of safety like they should. The guys over the water from us at Calais are all coming because they know they will get some housing and be cared for.
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