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Dolt | 00:03 Sat 17th Sep 2011 | Shopping & Style
30 Answers
order sleeping pills from the net?
I just ordered 30tabs.
Do you think they'll be OK?


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boxtops - I am sharing my current un-cheerful mood around to see if it makes me feel better. Maybe I should just increase the Lithium instead!
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Boxy, I'd like to decide for myself, and some day I may do!
Whichever country you're in, Dolt, I'd be surprised if you don't have 'health food stores' (which sell herbal supplements, etc). Those tablets aren't 'drugs' (within the usually accepted meaning of the word). They don't have to be sold by pharmacists. Any shop (or individual) is free to sell them.
I've just checked. The UK's two biggest supermarket chains both sell those tablets. They'll be shelved with the vitamin tablets, etc., not within the pharmacy section:
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BUENCHO, I cant them in my area unless I go to a Dr and get a script,and that would cost me about $50 just for the scrip! So it's good value for me to buy from ebay.
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Can you get strong pills over the counter in the UK without a script?
You can buy those tablets in most supermarkets in the UK, as well as in loads of health stores and pharmacies.

In Ireland they appear to be restricted to pharmacies, but you still don't need a doctor's prescription. Pharmacies such as McCabes (who've got lots of shops around Dublin, plus several others in Ireland) sell them without prescription:
I would be wary.
never ever buy any medication over the internet, sorry you have no idea what's in them
I repeat, buying from BIOVEA is fine.

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