Quassia...You say the 'Medieval Gingerbread' didn't taste too good. You could be right in saying that the recipe wasn't 100% genuine; especially when it mentioned 'Organic Honey'.
Anyway as you are interested in Historical recipes, the following is 100% genuine and I have copied it from 'Kettner's Book of the Table'
(1st published 1877) :-
Mincemeat. — Two pounds of unsalted bullock's tongue
two pounds of ox-kidney fat ; two pounds of stoned raisins
three pounds of currants ; two pounds of good apples
half a pound of blanched almonds, with a few bitter ones
mince all these separately, then mix them and add to them
minced — half a pound of candied citron and orange peel ;
one ounce of best cinnamon and cloves ; the juice and zest
of three lemons ; half an ounce of salt ; half an ounce of
allspice ; one pound of sifted sugar ; half a pint of sherry ;
half a pint of brandy or pineapple rum ; half a pint of orange-
flower water. Mix the solids well before the liquids are
added. Press all into jars, which are to be close covered
and put aside for some days before use.
Best wishes......Ron.