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owdhamer | 23:48 Thu 22nd Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Would it be possible to set up a AB charity to help people such as the poster with the sick dog


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Please no. It would attract trolls like you've never seen before.
I think this is the post owdhamer is referring to ?
good idea owdhamer, but the PDSA can always help, maybe we can make them aware of this, and raise funds to help too!.......May be a plan?
But how would you ever seperate those posts from the freeloaders? Nice idea sure, but difficult to manage.
Maidup, yes verfy true!........probably wouldn't work!.......nice idea though!.....
I wouldn't give to this. It might sound hard, and I love animals but if you can't afford them you shouldn't have them. I reckon to have an animal you should be prepared to look after them until either they or you die.
And also Star, you shouldn't be allowed any animals unless you can see into the future.
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Noooooo, people giving other people money always causes a kerfuffle. Mollykins anyone?
B00, you echo my thoughts. Not a good idea.
No, open to abuse.
I gave a little to the Mollykins boat fund. I'm sure it was all above board. Or did she scuttle it and use the money to fund her education at Uni somewhere?

The charity is me, and it's Give a Cake to Boo day, then fill your boots! Well, when I say boots, I mean fill the hostess trolley i'll leave aside just for your convenience, as i'm kind like that :-)
owdhamer, while i think your suggestion is very nice, i just dont see it working, sorry
Nope. Absolutely wouldn't give to it. Although a China Doll Shoe charity would be acceptable.
not a chance

althought the fluffy pie charity has a certain ring to it
sandy, I certainly don't think so - the payments weren't made out to molly, they went to the cadet organisation, IMO.
Boxtops, I remember now the donations did go to the cadets.

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