After leaving a comment on cazz's Fear of Dentist' I wonder how many of you worry about the cleanliness of people who come into contact with you. I know doctors, nurses etc are supposed to wash their hands after each patient but I'm sure they all don't.
There used to be a phlebotonist sp? who takes your blood at my local hospital who never washed her hands between patients and there were such a lot of people complained about it she finally got the sack as she had been warned so many times.
does it bother you that someone's hands have been in contact with someone else and then they touch you without washing their hands first or is it me just being fussy?
Also, would you ask someone if they have washed their hands or changed their rubber gloves?
Haha .. I' ve stood beside some right honkers in various queues and had to sit beside them on public transport .I think we all have at some time .
I just edge away or get me eau de cologne out :).
It was so bad in Superdrug the other day they had to spray round ....Bleugh
No excuse really .Soap and water is quite cheap .
I do not like breathing the air outside as it is full of other people's breath and car exhaust fumes. What am I supposed to do about this? Carry me own air supply with me wherever I go?
I am with shaneystar on this one; there is far too much fuss about cleanliness. I have eaten out of date food all my life and have lived to the ripe old age of 39.
since my transplant (permanent low immune system) my 'best friends' are baby wipes-public toilets, and buses I was told to wipe before I ouced them (eg-bell on the bus-and people don't wash hans before toilets, so toilet doors and bus rails are germ breeders-saying this-no some nurses didn't wash hands-and we all had low immune systems