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Just seen on the news.......

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micmak | 11:45 Tue 27th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
The fire in North London that killed Mum and 5 children was started by the freezer. I wonder if the make is the same one as the warnings put out several weeks ago.


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It has been mentioned that they had a Beko fridge/freezer.............
... and apparently that is the same make - or so I read.
if so then its even more tragic in that it was potentially preventable
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We have a Beko fridge/freezer. When the man came to change a part that was potentially dangerous it only took him 5 minutes.
Maybe it's time to buy a new one.
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Is is supposed to be safe now naomi.
I think it said a chest freezer, but they may not be right. It was kept under the stairs in the hallway, so when the fire started they wouldn't have got out. Terrible!
I have a becko larder fridge is that ok, anyone know? Its just over a year old.
This shows the affected models beattie.......check yours against it
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I think it was just the frost free fridge/freezers. Go to the Beko website. The info is on there.
I wouldn't sleep at night if I had a Beko fridge/freezer but how do you trust any of them - my Hotpoint Iced Diamond fridge is well over 20 years old!
thanks for the link, craft, I`ll go down and check my model number now.
Although they are talking about fridge freezers manufactured between Jan 2000 and October 2006
Apparently it had to be made between 2000 & 2006 and any fridges leftove in the shops must be removed after 3 months.

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Just seen on the news.......

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