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Two meners trapped....

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micmak | 18:26 Tue 27th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
At Kellingley pit North Yorkshire



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Question Author
O no - not again - we hope and pray they are rescued safely.
One has been rescued safely, so they said on the news. I hope the other one is as lucky.
Question Author
To all concerned people. One miner dead, condition of other unknown. Thank you all who were concerned. Oh sorry there were only two. Well thanks to the two.
Thanks for the update micmak, I so feel for the family of the dead miner.
Both my grandfathers were miners. I cannot imagine a fate worse than being trapped underground. Hope all goes well.
One confirmed dead, the other is being treated at the surface

BBC News
yes sadly, just heard to news, one miner dead, and the other one injured!.....who would believe it, two mining tragedies in just a couple of weeks in the UK!...........
Sorry to hear another miner has perished,most of the males on my mothers side were miners in Wrexham area, and my uncle Bill a great man narrowly missed the Gresford disaster.Apart from uncle Bill the cousins could not get out quick enough.
How sad for the family - its such a difficult job and dangerous. My Grandad was a miner and eventually died of brochial trouble due to the coal dust.

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Two meners trapped....

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