Very strange, but over the last 3 weeks or so, nearly every time I look at my computer, my desk phone, my mobile phone and the TV clock, it has shown double numbers i.e. 14:14 or 22:22 or 19:19. It's so weird that I am now starting to tell people because I find it so incredibly freakish. Is it just purely co-incidence or am I doing this for a reason? Does it mean something?
apparently if you look at the clock at significant times like 11:11 it means the angels are looking down on you and you are meant to make a wish! (so my mum always says! lol)
Lol thanks Cupid! Rowanwitch what you have said is probably very true and MrsLeeG I will try that every time now, I will have a lot of wishes I reckon if the last 3 weeks have been anything to go by!
i have noticed that on my last 5 visits to various petrol station, that i always end up at number 8. its not intended, just when i get to the counter i realise it was nr 8 again.
Since you posted on the R&S site, you know full well that it was God having fun with you and you're being all coy about it.
Just tell him off for being cheeky next time you pray, but do it with a chuckle so he doesn't get offended and smite you with a rod of iron. He can be like that.
I noticed that I have 4 fingers and 1 thumb (making total of 5) on my left hand and so strange that my right hand has same number of fingers and thumb (5) too. And then to make things more interesting I looked down upon my feet and both of my feet has 5 toes (including 4 toes and 1 big toe) each.
But the most freakish thing just happened today. I noticed that my wife has same numbers of fingers and toes too, 5. I am scared now, really, really scared.