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You've got to laugh (I think)

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penelope2 | 10:06 Thu 29th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
My ten year old neice told us that she had been 'dumped' by her boyfriend who had then moved on to date her best friend. However, the lad then duly 'dumped' her best friend. As her best friend was upset she was excused a PE class as she had been tearful and HER MASCARA HAD RUN. Yes, we're talking ten/eleven year old kids here.


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doesn't she get told to remove the mascara at her school?
how sad...time enough for those traumas... sorry no child that age should be wearing mascara... boyfriends...there will be another one along shortly
am I loosing the plot ? kids with lipstick and mascara etc and thongs at a very early age, my world seems to be turning upside down, when to kids stop being kids in this new modern age ?
I find this very sad actually. What happened to childhood. At ten years old I hated most boys!! (except one who was my best friend)
I can't imagine a 10yr olds Mum allowing a child to wear mascara...
am I that old fashioned ?
Agree with LL - this is no laughing matter.

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You've got to laugh (I think)

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